• During Phase 1 Construction

  • Post Phase 1 of Construction

The Chiasson Office Conservation Offsetting Project created critical habitat for the endangered species, Piping Plovers, on the Chiasson Office Spit near Shippagan, New Brunswick. CBWES was commissioned by the Department of Fisheries and Oceans Small Craft Harbours for the design and monitoring of the Conservation Offsetting Project (COP) which arose from the Shippagan Gully Dredging and Breakwater Construction Project, in which significant portions of the Chiasson Office Spit were altered or removed to address navigation hazards. CBWES created a Conservation Plan designed to not only restore and create critical habitat suitable for Piping Plover breeding, nesting, and foraging, but also restore and remediate the adjacent sand dunes and tidal wetlands that support the health of the critical habitat, taking the rare opportunity to restore the entire spit system. This was achieved through the removal of anthropogenic structures (e.g., wooden seawalls and access road) and the implementation of nature-based techniques involving the beneficial reuse of dredge material: a sand engine and a marsh sill with living shoreline.

Creating Critical Habitat for Endangered Piping Plovers


Removing Tidal Restriction at Cheverie Creek Marsh


Maximizing the Benefits of Managed Realignment in Truro